Thursday, July 14, 2011


I've been at home maybe a week and a half out of my month of vacation. First I went up North to drop my brother off for camp, then I went to Illinois to see my mom's family, then I went back up North to get my brother and see my dad's family. Basically, I've been running around non-stop. I've read probably twenty books and have rewritten most of my YA-fantasy novel, Halfling, which I hope to have mostly ready for submission by the end of summer (maybe, we'll see >_>).

I've gotten pretty good at playing D&D and am now obsessed with George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. I've only gotten through A Game of Thrones (which I borrowed from a friend) because, while he had A Storm of Swords (the third book) to loan me, he couldn't find the second, and the wait list at my library is seventy-two people long. I'm only going a little bit crazy, I swear.

I found the only book I've ever seen (thought I'm sure there are others) where the MC shares my name. It isn't spelled the same, because no one spells my name the way I do, but her uncle also shares my brother's name, which borders on weird. xD

Tonight at midnight I'm going to see the last Harry Potter movie. I am quite sure I will cry and am indescribably excited. HP is pretty much the series of my childhood, as it is for so many people. To be there as its era is ending will be completely amazing. I can't wait :D

Sunday, May 29, 2011


MY COPY OF PENNY DREAD TALES CAME IN THE MAIL. I pretty much had a heart attack and nearly tore the book apart in my eagerness to read it. After rereading my own story, "Iron Angel," and laughing at some things I should've changed in edits, and just trying to get over the fact that this was my writing in a legitimate book, I started in on the rest of it. I haven't gotten through all the stories yet, but the ones I have I've loved. (Once I'm through with them all I'll write more about them.)

And then I went to Borders, finally found "Swordspoint" by Ellen Kushner after three months of trying to hunt down a copy, and devoured it in about five hours. It was amazing. Beautifully written, with funny, lovable characters and ones you want to give a good punch in the face. I'm horribly late in reading this one, but seeing as it was published before I was born, I'll forgive myself.

As an ending note, I've recently started reading up on Bordertown, another thing I'm late in coming to but was also begun before my entrance into this world. I haven't tracked down the old anthologies yet (I'm planning to hit up some used bookstores next weekend) but I've read through the free stories on the new website, here, and am planning on buying the new anthology as soon as I can. The world is sprawling and magical and I can't wait to read more about it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

So Many Booooooooooks

I definitely made an awesome choice when I decided to volunteer in my school's library during my study hall second block. I spend ninety minutes shelving books or reading, and I get first dibs on the new books that come in. So far I've snagged Wither by Lauren DeStefano , Ash and Huntress by Malinda Lo, The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa, and Red Glove by Holly Black. I'm reading like crazy to finish them all before summer, and it's wonderful. I recommend every single one--if I get a chance I'll write up some reviews.

Also am waiting with bated breath for my contributor copy of Penny Dread Tales. Every day I come home and cross my fingers and then it's not on my doorstep and I get sad. Hopefully sometime this week. :D

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"Iron Angel" in Penny Dread Tales

It's probably appropriate that my first post on this blog is to announce the release of the anthology that includes my short story, "Iron Angel," a steampunk-fantasy cross about a grounded girl in a world where everyone else soars among the treetops.

I got the e-mail today telling me that my contributor copy is on its way, and I'll be sure to write something up about it when it comes (I'm just about pissing myself with excitement right now, hence my formality and robotic voice). For now I'm just going to put up a link for more information and hope I don't pass out.

Penny Dread Tales Vol. One